Stories of Faith

Many of the thoughts and stories contained here are very personal in nature, perhaps even sacred to me in some cases.  You can click on the titles below and are welcome to share with others as appropriate.

1. The Difference Between Faith and Belief - author unknown (as told to me by Samuel D. Hill)

2. My Ways Are Not Thy Ways - from the writings of my father, Jack R. Kapp

3. Herding Bulls - a true story from the Summer of 1963 or 1964 as told by Kenny Kapp

4. Old Ned - 3rd person narrative of a true story related to me by my father, Jack R. Kapp

5. I Get to Be the Dad - A story from my experience as a young father.

6. My New Room - A story from my youth and a lesson I learned from it some 40 years later.

7. Jacob Lasso's a Bull - A story about my son Jacob from Sept 1988 (I think), as told by Kenny Kapp.

8.  She's My Girlfriend - A true story from 1968 about learning to always show respect to my mother.

9. Trip to Holland - Janice Kapp Perry's narrative of her trip to The Netherlands to see our "Kapp anscestral home" (July 2017).

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you again my friend. I will be keeping an eye on your blog. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

