Sunday, March 12, 2017

We ain't got no mayo

Last year at a restaurant in Salt Lake City, we placed our order and I added at the end of my hamburger order, "No mayo please".   To which the waitress replied, "Sorry, we ain't got no mayo".

We ain't got no Mayo!
This is the jar Lepeka made
into Miracle Whip.
We left it at that and my order arrived just as ordered, without mayo, so I guess they did have no mayo.  Anyway, the phrase has stuck with us as one of the fun phrases we use occasionally when something gets confusing, or when we say something wrong in another language.

They do have mayo here and we have found almost everything here that we are used to in the U.S. (maybe not the name brand stuff).  One of the few things we haven't been able to find anywhere is Miracle Whip (so no potato or pasta salad etc).  I found a few different recipes on the internet.  Well Lepeka got brave and decided to try and make some at my request, so we rounded up most of the ingredients and she gave it a try.  Success! And now yes, now we ain't got no Miracle Whip (I think?)!

We have become much braver now eating out in several restaurants frequented by the locals.  We really enjoy our interactions with them and it is rare that we don't get in to a conversation with someone about their connections to the LDS church or Utah.  Two of the restaurants we have visited are shown below.  Sabrina's is in downtown Nuku'alofa and Fatulele Business (restaurant) is in Nukunuku right along the main road.  Both have 5-star food in our book!

Sabrina's Restaurant just prior to the
midday lunch rush.  It gets packed
with additional seating outside in front.
Sabrina's Chicken and Mānioke (tapioca)
kind of like a potato. The chicken tastes
like .... well chicken (covered with a
sweet chili sauce).

Fatulele Business Owner (and member)
Uelenitoni Ma'u (his wife Patiola is the
chief cook and bottle washer).  There is a
pool hall in the back with three tables.
DVD's can also be rented for TOP 50
sentini (about $.25 USD)
Menu at Fatulele Business
(written for the Palangi's)
Price is in Pa'anga, $7.00
pa'anga is about $3.50 USD.

Yes, we also ain't got no bananas.  Our neighbor, Elder Va'enuku, decided that we needed some bananas so he cut us a "bunch" and hung them by our back door.  They have been made available to all of the senior missionaries.  You just rip off how many you need.  They are a little smaller than the Costco bananas we are used to but they pretty much taste the same.

The Va'enuku's are just are finishing up their second one year mission here and plan on coming back for a third after a two month hiatus to see the family.  He has three sets of twins in his family, the latest being born about 2 weeks ago.  They now have 65 grandchildren.

Lot's of photo's this week.  Not so much boring monologue (you're welcome).

L-R, Elder Kapp, Elder Yuan, Elder Tua'one, Sister Kapp
at Fatulele Business  for lunch.

Washing the jalopy in our finest duds! (not on Sunday)

Sister Kapp doin' all the hard work.

Elder and Sister Kapp at Abel Tasman's Landing Place on the tip of the toe.
If you look at a map of the island of Tongatapu, it looks like an elf's shoe.
It's how we refer to the general locations ... i.e. heel, instep, toe, etc.

One of the Blow-holes popping off (in Houma - the ball of the foot)

More Houma Blow-Holes

Sunset driving home one night - taken through the windshield.  We were too
tired to stop and get out.

Same night, another location taken while I was driving by Lepeka

Some of the Senior Missionaries at Halafuoleva beach.
Our first time in P-day clothes, our sixth week here.

At Halafuoleva beach - some of the locals having fun.  A few of the Senior
missionaries ventured down and nearly were knocked over by the waves.
I didn't get any photos of them.

Another shot at Halafuoleva Beach.  We had a clean-up project prior to our
Hot dog roast (you have to be careful because that can mean something totally
different in Tonga).  We were assured the Hot dogs came from Cost low.


  1. I'm totally jealous. I'd want to serve 40 one year missions with two month hiatus'

  2. P.S. All mayo is is oil and eggs. You guys need Pinterest.

    1. Oil eggs and something to whip them with (we do have mayo). We found lots of recipes to convert mayo to MW but, only a few where we would have most of the ingredients and it seemed to work well. Pinterst stifles the imagination. 8-/

  3. Love seeing those smiling faces! Our family loves reading about your adventures and seeing all these fun pictures. We sure love you guys and pray for your well being and success. We'll send MW for Christmas. 😂

    1. We miss the Jones' family. Good luck in the new adventure. You will be missed in the ward but we'll stay in touch.

  4. We love this post and all the beautiful pics and stories! We ain't got no Kapps right now and we're missing you but know you are having wonderful experiences!
    Love, Peggy and Leo

    1. Thanks Peggy. We appreciate you taking time to comment. We really do read and reread them. We can see your smiling faces in our minds and that helps so much.
