Whale Breaching near Tongatapu
(Photo credit Elder Busby) |
I wondered when we started this blog if anyone would even read it. My initial goal was to get my testimony in front of my children and grandchildren as often as possible. I decided to also do a Family and Friends email each week because that seemed much more personal. I figured if the kids and
grandkids read either somewhat regularly it would be worth it. As I've never really done any of this kind of writing I hoped I could find something interesting each week to write about. That along with a few photos would give others an idea of what Tonga is like. The blog would also be a good way to document our mission as well so I made a commitment to write something every week. I thought most would be pretty short entries but at the end of each week I was amazed that there always seemed to be some "theme of the week" that popped up without even trying.
Son of a Breach (photo credit John Perry) |
We had such a great time on our whale watching outing last year that we decided to book it again this year. We originally booked it to go with the Hudsons but the day arrived and it was pretty stormy so we opted to go the following weekend. Next weekend was just as bad so we postponed ours so we could to while John was visiting. The Hudsons joined the rest of the seniors and went about ten days before us.
Our day arrived and it was overcast and rainy and we again wondered if it would be cancelled. I guess the decided that it wasn't bad enough to cancel so we boarded the boat and headed out. It was quite chilly (for Tonga) and it did rain just a bit but it turned out to be a great day whale watching. We got some great photos and had a fun time. We have really enjoyed John's visit and it will be sad to put him on the plane tomorrow headed for his next adventure in Fiji.

If you are ever in Tonga during the months of June - September, we highly recommend "Deep Blue Diving Whale Watching and Diving Company". They certainly know what they are doing and have all of the snorkeling equipment you will need if you want to swim with the whales. We (as missionaries) only watched and took photos from the boat.
John should get royalties for the use of his image (on left - compare to
the photo of John below). How did they know he was coming? |
We had a wonderful visit with my cousin John Perry this week. We also
had fun rediscovering the sights of Tonga one last time before we leave
this island paradise. |
Panoramic photo taken from the Land Bridge overlook |
Panorama photo credit for the above photo goes to my beautiful wife and wonderful companion who also happens to be my best friend. She's the one who keeps everything together and keeps me somewhat in line. We have had our moments but she has never voted me off the island (outloud anyway).

Our mission has been our "Whale of a Tale" and since we will be coming home the end of September, there will only be one (maybe two) more blogs after this one so I want to thank all who have been so thoughtful and encouraging to us. We have felt your love, we have felt the effects of your prayers and we have benefitted from getting to know these wonderful missionaries and the people of Tonga.
As I stated earlier, my expectations for the blog were pretty low as I was thinking there may be 10-20 family members that might occasionally fread the blog. I have been amazed at how many now follow it regularly so I thought I'd share just a few statistics:
- We have had close to 50,000 page views since we started our blog (88 weeks ago).
- We have averaged well over 500 page views a week and even had one week (the week after cyclone Gita) that had close to 3,000 hits.
- Our blog audience consisted of people from United States, Canada, Tonga, Russia, Marshal Islands, Australia, Ukraine, South Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden, Chile, Samoa, Hawaii, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, India, Netherlands, St. Lucia, Indonesia, Laos, France, Japan, Congo, Cook Islands, Honduras, several other countries and some just listed as unknown region.
- We have had contact with a wire service in Australia during Cyclone Gita and shared many photos and storm updates with them over the days following Gita.
- We have not missed posting a single week; we had a few weeks where I may have been a day late but we also had several weeks where we had more than one post.
I understand that many who visited our blog regularly were family and friends of missionaries serving in Tonga hoping for a photo or news of their missionary. We do hope that whatever your reason for following our blog (even if you just stumbled upon it) you were able to feel of our testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We hope that you felt our deep love for our Savior and for the young missionaries who dedicate two years or eighteen months of their lives to serve their God and their fellowmen. We hope you were better able to understand and appreciate the wonderful people and culture of Tonga. We have made some life-long friendships here and learned many important lessons. We are trying to incorporate many of the positive Tongan traits we have witnessed into our own lives.
Our life will never be the same. Our testimonies have grown so much deeper and our gratitude to our Savior has intensified. We encourage any seniors who may be contemplating serving to find the right opportunity for you and do it as soon as possible. We know there is a huge need for all kinds of talents around the world.
I apologize to any of you that are on my distribution list that may have felt spammed. I am also sorry for my shortcomings as a writer and for anything that may have come across as offensive from a botched attempt at humor. Those that know me are already used to it and those of you that don't ... consider yourselves lucky. I tried to be sensitive to the illnesses and injuries of the missionaries and respect their right to privacy while at the same time conveying the overall health of all. There were times that I had to be careful of the words I chose without being misleading because the missionaries would tell us that they were alright in spite of an injury or illness or two. They didn't want their family to know and worry but more than that, they really were okay.
They had the best nurse in the world taking care of them and following up to the point of becoming annoying (she would not drop anything until she was sure they really were okay). We had access to good round-the-clock medical advisors in New Zealand and the U.S. should the need have arisen and more than any of these, they had access to the power of the Priesthood which was used frequently.
As we prepare to leave Tonga shortly, Sister Makai (who is excited to be taking this over) will now become their initial and primary contact and healthcare provider. Sister Makai was also a nurse in the U.S. for many years. She loves your missionaries just as we do and will do a good job of taking care of them. We have a new Area Medical Advisor in New Zealand who is actually coming to visit our islands to get a better feel for what level of care is available here so they can be better prepared to react and treat the other more serious maladies should they arise. We have a mission president and his wife who care deeply about your sons and daughters and continually express concern when they are under the weather. There are also many other Senior Missionary couples who stand ready and willing to assists when the needs arise. All-in-all the missionaries will remain in very good hands.
We have also been through the strongest Cyclone to hit the main island in recent recorded history. More evidence that the Lord is watching over them and keeps them safe when the great needs arise. I probably don't need to remind anyone that not one singly life was lost during this powerful tropical storm in Tonga. A place where many live a meager existence in humble circumstances. A place where the symbolism of people gathering at the nearby LDS meeting house for safety is not lost on me as not one single life was lost on this island during this monstrous storm even as we absorbed a direct hit. This is an unheard of result as you compare it to similar disasters from around the world.
Please continue to stress the importance of good hydration and the use of antibacterial soap anytime you communicate with your missionary especially as we head into Summer. We have seen dramatic drops in the calls related to headaches and stomach aches (often directly related to hydration). We have experienced a major reduction in the amount and seriousness of boils, skin rashes and other related issues due to the use of a good antibacterial soap. The first question that Sister Kapp would always ask them, "How much have you had to drink today?" Followed by (if appropriate), "Are you using antibacterial soap?" I realize that may not be the first questions you ask in your communications with them but if you can somehow work it into the conversation they will remember some of their responsibilities in staying healthy and well.
These young missionaries are wonderful healthy young adults who have dedicated a period of their lives to the service of their God. They have been taught in their youth and they:
"... will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for (they) know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them" (1 Nephi 3:7). They truly are our stripling warriors, a story that was included in the scriptures for our time so that we might understand and receive strength and comfort.
If you have a chance,
click here to watch this short video of Kini Kau dancing for his family (I encourage you to like and share the video on FB so others can enjoy). I really kicks in around the 40 second mark and when his brother brings up the candy bar to put in his shirt (a Tongan tradition) it really completes the show.
We love each of you and leave you tis week with a few more photos from our tiny paradise. Ofa lahi 'atu!
Just as a side note; we are hoping that we can get several of our returned missionaries and/or Tongan friends in the Bountiful area to sing the meeting prelude music and a Tongan hymn as the rest hymn at our homecoming report on October 21st (9:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting). I will work with Elder Soakai Faleao and Jacob Satuala (returned missionaries) to help coordinate the effort. You are welcome to contact them or me if you are available and interested in participating. We want to share the Spirit Tongan style through Tongan Hymn #27 - Folofola Mai a Sīsū.
Brother and Sister Huni waiting for their mission call. |
Making brooms in Veitongo |
Kau baking cookie with Lepeka - Saturday, September 15, 2018
He remembered that the first rule of cooking is to wash your hands. |
Kau learning the finer points of friendship bracelet making.
Red and black no less ... Mate ma'a Tonga! |
You may notice that my bicep is just a little bigger than Kau's. It's good
thing I was behind him so he wouldn't feel bad. |
Amazing sunset colors over Liahona - this lasted about 2 minutes |