The Huni Family |
As I sit down to write this weeks blog ( for the 4th time) my emotions keep getting the best of me. I knew leaving would hit us hard but I didn't understand the magnitude. We swing back and forth between the thoughts of seeing and being with our family and friends again and the sadness of leaving so many that we have come to love and respect. Family is obviously our first priority but that doesn't minimize saying good bye.
I think you'll understand if you go watch this short
YouTube video (click here). I may add a few captions and fill in some details over time but probably not today.
The Airport |
Cake for Breakfast? |
The Chicken lady of Liahona |
Chickens at home 10 feet up in a tree |
Elder and Sister Saunders (Area Medical Director and 2nd cousin)
visiting from the New Zealand Area Office. |
Dr. Anna's Medical Clinic (orange building) |
Dinner with the Tautua'as at The Seaview Cafe. The four basic food groups.
Chicken |
Fish |